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Why Einstein Was afraid of Time Travel

 Why Einstein Was afraid of time travel 

Friends, many of you have asked me this question is it possible to travel in timeIs it possible to travel time in reality, will we humans ever be able to make machines  if you can make a time machine, how will that machine work Will we be able to travel it in the past or in the future So today we will talk on this topic, will a person ever be able to make a time travel machine So let's start there should be a basic idea to understand some things. How does the timer work. what is area of ​​time. who is called collarty. And what is the curvature of me. So how can we make a time has 2 parts. Lesson 1 How We Will Time Travel in the Future. And the second part how we will do time travel in part.  And yes we are not going to talk in this blog about how their physical overview will be. what fuel will he have in that. We will only consider the principals in this blog for now. in which our time machine will work. so first we Time to the travel future will talk about. Making a Future Time travel Machine is Allowed in Physics.means the laws of our in the future traveling time machine allow to create allow to create time travel somewhere to the future Why because arrows of  time keep moving towards the future of our universe If you have got spacer relativity to this then you must be understanding what I want to say. we're talking time destination al Meaning if we somehow slow  the speed of time, then practically we can travel time towards the future. In fact thewrightlly time is allowed to stop We can think of this as Twins Paradox Suppose there are two twin brothers and both are 20 years old A brother is a little smart in studies and after a lot of studies becomes an astronaut. The second brother starts his business by staying here on earth. The brother who became an astronaut at the age of 20. he travels in space. The value of his spacecraft is 60% of the City Speed of Light. Now look at the other brother who is on earth. he waits 50 years. he waits 50 years. And when the two brothers meet each other. And the brother who returned after traveling in space was less than his brother present in the earth. I mean his biological age was younger. If calculated a little, then the age of the brother present in the earth will be 70 years.

And the age of the second brother will be only 50 years. The formula to calculate this is. t=___to___
1___v2______= 30 years old
Although there's a paradox here too. It also has some relative motion concepts. but won't talk about that. butt i want to tell you this. as our speed increases in space. Well the pace of time slows down. Means the time becomes slow for the moving vehicals. In fact, if the speed of an object is equal to the speed of light in the time balance formula, then.In fact if in the formula of time donation, if the speed of an object is equal to the speed of light, then.
will be canceled and the value of the dominator is zero will come.What will be the value of such clay t note. What will be the value of such clay t note. For an object that is moving at a speed of light. So mean is possible in bechical principal. that we make a time machine that can travel us in the future. Technically it is also possible. That you travel in space for only 10 years means only 10 years will have passed for you. Whereas when you return to the meaning maybe. that 300 years have passed according to Earth's time. And why did it happen because you traveled close to the speed of light. and when it happens. and then your clocks slow down. Look, if you think closely here, you will realize this. Yes Velocity to Travel To travel, the velocity must be less than the speed of light and must be in the aero of time direction of another condition.  where the universe is expansion and aero of time where is the expanding universe under the direction of suppose you are on earth and where is the arrow of time I am getting tensed and where is the time.  Let's say in Expanding University of Direction.  You're on Earth and your friend is in a spacecraft.  because peed of light of close move is used to be because it is moving with higher velocity  when walking with higher velocity arrow of time doesn't matter that's why traveling in the classically future is allowed but the future will belong to our earth, not of the entire universe because the universe doesn't care what speed you're moving bus speed  of light should not exceed speed of light. another machine to travel in the same future high gravitational of object like black holes where the value of foot gravity is very high

Even with the current technology, we have not been able to achieve the simple speed.You think you must have understood that it is possible for us to make a time travel machine in the future.With this we can only know the future of Earth and not the entire Universe.There is also a problem that we consider time as time.Just sir the meaning of actual time should be this.How much is an object moving in space up to what point is it moving. Which object will you move faster you will have less time for him in relation to his object because it's slow moving. Now we will talk about whether it is possible to travel in the past. So whenever we talk about past time travel. You give birth to many logical constants there. And there many paradoxes are born. In which the most famous is Grandfather Paradox Souppose you go back in time and kill your grandfather. you if you killed your grandfather then how were you born. That is, the question of your own existence arises.And like this all the paradox would come out Cause stop us from traveling in the past. Now see what physics has

 to tell us that whenever you travel in part, if you talk about sporserlative then time slows down. as the object's speed approaches the speed of light. and time just stops. Our velocity equals the speed of light. how did we know all this With the help of the formula of time dilution Now just imagine if you increase the object more than the speed of light In this case, in the formula of time dilution Negative value will be found inside the under route and whenever root is negative. So he donates a modnari number. Suppose there is no negative inside the under root . So in such a situation, Mathematica would allow Humco Negative Time Concept itself. Means example like you have a target in front of you. you have to kiss her feet. You will fire the gun first, then the target will be shot. That is, first the course happened, then later it became effective. But there are area breaks in this region of the seventh day. What will happen here that there will be an effect first and then the course. The bullet will hit the target first and then shoot. As you can understand, technology is not allowed, so travel in the past is also not allowed.Because it is not possible for us to make a time machine for now. Today we have learned about the physical chapter in this blog. Jokie helps us not to travel time. But it can be so. that our theories still have limits Because I'm stopping us from time travel. Maybe after the formation of Grand Unification Theory. be born with the ability to travel time.But for a moment we can imagine that. that in the coming future work will be done on the time machine. thanking you for watching my blog.

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