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What Will Be The Era After Kalyug

 What Will Be The Era After Kalyug

You all know what will be the era after Kali Yuga, the audience. In Hindu religious texts, Kal means time is divided into four eras. Satyuga, Treta Yuga, Dwapar Yuga and Kali Yuga, we are now living in Kali Yuga.Kaliyuga means one such yoga in which the human race lotus is full of discontent everyone is sad only a quarter of the religion is stunned. This seems to be happening in the present situation. Today, arrogance, vengeance, greed and terror are visible all around. In the Puranas, Kaliyuga is considered like curse for humans. But have you ever thought. when kalyug started Or when will this cursed war end and what era will come after this so let's find out. what will be the era after kalyug Welcome friends to our blog  science Volvo Future. Change of ages according to religious texts According to this 22 and cycle of change of eras is going on This is also mentioned in the Gita. According to Gita, change is the rule of this universe. As the soul leaves one body and assumes another body. night comes after day. Like Ritu also changes with its fixed time. in the same way after a specified period of time The change of yoga in this world is also a constant can. According to Vishnu, a story related to Kalyug has been described in the Kaliyuga texts. According to which one day someone asked Lord Vishnu. That the Lord is still going on in the Dwapar era. And according to the cycle of time, Kaliyuga is going to come after this. But how will humans recognize that new age. Then Vishnu said when sin will increase in the world Then understand that Kali Yuga has started. Kali Yuga will start with the case of a woman. Kali Yuga will start with the case of a woman. The women of Kaliyug will start getting the same hair cut. After that all men and women will start coloring their hair to look beautiful. And then no one's hair will appear long and black in Kali Yuga.

After this the day the son will raise his hand on the father On that day understand that Kali Yuga has started. Not only this, when conflicts will start happening in every house, no one wants to live together. People will start killing their loved ones in their own homes. So understand that Kali Yuga has reached its step. After that Lord Vishnu, Shiva and Brahma will become one. And then when kalyug will dominate us all. So together we will end this era. And a new era will begin where everything will be true again, the era of Kali Yuga. According to Hindu scriptures, the period of Kaliyuga is 432000 years long. And now only the first phase of Kali Yuga is going on. It is believed that Kali Yuga started from 3102 BC. When the five planets Mars Mercury Venus Jupiter and Saturn were at 0 degree on the mesh zodiac. This means that 5121 years of Kali Yuga have passed. and 426880 years left. But how will the end of Kali Yuga be described in the Brahma Purana. According to Brahma Purana, at the end of Kali Yuga, the age of man will be only 12 years. During this, hatred and ill-will among the people will increase. As the age of Kaliyuga increases, the rivers will dry up. People who earn religion from dishonesty and injustice will increase the main. Man will not hesitate to kill anyone in the greed of religion. Humans will stop worshiping, fasting, fasting and doing all religious work. cow will stop giving milk. humanity will perish girls won't be safe at all. they will be exploited in their own home. People of their own household will think more with them Father daughter brother sister no relationship will remain. One brother will become another brother's enemy. The holy relationship as marriage will be the holy. No one's married life will go well. husband wife will be unfaithful to each other. Society will become violent in Kali Yuga, only those who are strong will rule. And when terror will border your steps. So Lord Vishnu will take the incarnation of Kalki. all of the earth will destroy the righteous. According to Shiva Purana, Kaliyuga is also mentioned in the same Shiva Purana. According to Shiva Purana, when the dark Kali Yuga comes, humans will leave their virtuous deeds and get caught in the misdeeds. i.e. will get trapped in wrong deeds. and all will turn away from the truth

Will be ready to criticize others. The desire to usurp the wealth of others will go home in the mind of man. Man's mind will start to become attached to foreign women. And they will start doing violence to other creatures. Everyone will consider their body as soul. it would be such a sum. In which humans will be atheists and animals with intelligence. children will hate their parents. Brahmins will make a living by selling Vedas. Will practice education only to earn money. and will be fascinated. Leaving his caste karma will cheat others. Will stay away from the Siddhi Yoga worship of all the three periods. Apart from this, all Kshatriyas will also renounce self-righteousness. phone will lack bravery. they will feed themselves by stealing. He will leave his karmic religion and roam in vain through bright clothes. Considering the morning as noble, will establish marital relations with the four varnas. and will corrupt all the characters with your contact. Women of bud earrings are often corrupted by virtue and will insult the husband he will hate mother-in-law. women will not fear anyone. will eat dirty. their modesty will be very bad. And she will always be estranged from the service of her husband. Viewers today all these things described in Shiv Purana are seen happening in reality. When Kali Yuga has just completed 5000 years. And there's still millions of years left for it to end. So just imagine when Kali Yuga will be at its peak. then what will happen then. Apart from this, Lord Shri Krishna has told. how will kalyug end. Which is described in Mahabharata. According to Shri Krishna, at the end of Kali Yuga, there will be fierce battles. There will be heavy rain, severe thunderstorms and strong heat. 

people will harvest. Will steal clothes, will steal water, drink and boxes. Thieves will steal the property of thieves like themselves. Weapons will also start killing. Due to the destruction of thieves by thieves, there will be welfare of the public. The age of man in the epoch will be at least 12 years.People will suffer from rare anger, greed and big but more hobbies. At that time the senses will be subdued because of the people. Yudhishthira told how Kalyug will happen, after this Krishna ji further says. When you will reach your stage in Kali Yuga. And religions will begin to end from the earth people. Then I will incarnate in the form of Kalki and free this earth from sins. And the new era that will come after that will be called Satyug. That is, the world will enter the 23rd cycle after completing the 22nd cycle of change of ages. and a new era will begin. which will be known as Satyug. how will the golden age be. The duration of Satya Yuga will be 17 lakh 28000 years. In this era the age of man will be 4000 to 10000. Religion will again dominate the earth. That is, the golden age will be called the heaven of this world.

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