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The End Of Kalyug Will Be Very Scary

 The End Of Kalyug Will Be Very Scary

Friends, thousands of years ago, Sukhdev ji had made all the predictions from A to Z in the Bhagwat Purana.And everything that he wrote has happened till date. and what's going to happen next.they were all written thousands of years ago. and whatever is going to happen. No one can avoid it, just we can avoid the wrath of the bud by bringing some things into life. We have written many blog about Kali Yuga. But after reading this blog your eyes will be torn.That's why read the block carefully. Comment if you like more blog. like to see such blog from sanatan dharma. so like. Friends, Kaliyug is such a yoga. In which there is never going to be any satisfaction in the mind of man. like if he thinks of a bicycle and if he gets it.then he will start thinking of bike. And when you get the bike, you will start thinking of the car.And when the car is also found, then you will start thinking of the best car. And when she gets it, she will start dreaming of private plane.That is, overall he will not get satisfaction. and wishes will never come true. Well anyway, contentment does not come from money, it comes from mind.Receives God's attention and devotion. Millionaires would never kill if they were content with money. In this age man will always be immersed in tribulation. he won't get peace of mind. And friends, all this is written in our holy scriptures. I'm just telling you this in a little simple language. to make it easier for you to understand. Friends, now I am telling you those five important things of my holy religious texts.which is going to be true in future. Make a note of these things so that I can prepare for the coming time. Number 1.friends, according to the Puranas, we talk about women. So it is clearly stated in these Puranas.that the women of Kalyug.she will be too harsh. and will speak bitter words.she is not going to listen to her husband at all. Rather, the husband will have to listen to them.otherwise she will leave.Today marriage is considered a sacred bond in our religion. But friends, later only rich men will have women. Women will abandon the one who is moneyless and if seen, friends, in many countries and in many religions, today there is no place for marriage no value. 

When marriage happens, when you leave, no one is right. In the future, no women will follow the Vedic rule. Our Sanatan Dharma is the only one in which even today there is some dignity left. Later write Jai Sanatan Dharma in the comment section. And friends, it has also been told in our texts that the women who are in Kaliyuga. Will get pregnant at the age of 5 to 7 years. And friends, in Kaliyuga, women will be very proud of their hair. I just won't keep coming back to my hair again and again. And the women of Kaliyuga will always be immersed in gestures and luxury. And those men who will earn money by doing injustice will like women very much. He will not have much interest in honest people.And friends, the women of Kaliyuga will be little and eat a lot.Neither he will obey the orders of the husband nor will he obey the orders of the well as be retarded. And will only work to feed my stomach. and will always be filled with anger. She will pay no attention to purification. And will always do the work of telling lies and harsh words. And in the age of meeting wicked men there will be much desire. And friends, everything will happen when the end time of Kali Yuga will come. That's why none of our mother and sister please do not make anyone feel bad.It's all a matter of last minute Jai Shri Krishna.Number 2.further we talk according to the Puranas. What changes will happen in the nature of. That friends, there will come a time in Kali Yuga when people will be troubled by floods.So somewhere people will be troubled by drought.Due to the drought, people will be so upset that they will always look at the sky.But not a drop of rain will fall and friends when it will not rain. then there will be no harvest.In such a situation, people will suffer by eating fruits, flowers, leaves etc.In which many people will also die and some people will eat meat and fish.If the cows drink the milk of sheep and goats, then even the sight will stop.And even if she appears, she will be like goats. And friends, after this the fruit leaves will disappear from the trees.And slowly everything will end. At the end of Kali Yuga, many diseases will come one after the other, on which no medicine will work.only dua will work. Due to the fierce war that took place in Kali Yuga, many people will also die.

And along with many small and big sections like earthquake, flood, volcano drought, severe storm etc. will also come very much on nature. In such a situation, you can understand what will happen to humans.But those who remain attached to God will be saved from all these calamities.So join them in time, nothing is going on in this.Hail lord krishna. Number 3. Now friends, we talk about politicians in Kali Yuga. And friends of hypocrites, in our Puranas it has been told about Kaliyuga that. As time passes, so will the throne of India Anti-religious and greedy people will be captured.These people will exploit the public very much.Will win the week by doing big things. But only one thing will remain in their mind, the public should go to hell to do their work.These people will continue to criticize each other with the number 1 false and bad thoughts.These people will work to suck the blood of the public by imposing different taxes.And when such people rule, then the behavior of the people will also be the same.Due to which the public will be fiercer than the king and together the people will start exploiting each other.And thus the people will be oppressed on both sides.It will be the righteous and characterless people of the whole. Together we will try to break India.And in the end will leave India as a place where no one will rule.And when the governance system is over, you can understand what will happen.And friends, in some Kali Yuga, there will be such people who will call themselves a very wise meditator.But these hypocrites will remain, their only work will be to get money from the public.And it will be their job to spend this money on the things of enjoyment, that Ram Ram chanting his alien goods.And there are people like Ram in the mind and theft in the side right now. Do tell me in the comment section Jai Shri Krishna.Number 4.friends now let's talk about what will happen to the relationship in Kaliyuga.How will the behavior of man be friends, in Kaliyuga, man will be immersed in the upbringing of children.You will be so immersed in attachment and illusion that you will not be able to take care of yourself.If someone else's son becomes a saint, thousands of people will go to see him.

But if his own son wants to do this, he will cry for him and think what will happen to my son.Mother will grow so much that she will not let her son go anywhere.Will keep him tied to the family, his whole life will end there.People of Kaliyuga will spend lakhs of crores of rupees in small big events like their children's wedding, birthday, storm.If someone in his neighbor is hungry and thirsty, he will not see whether his stomach is full or not.their own book will die of thirst but they will not care much.But if someone asks two tears, they will not be interested at all.And he will be hungry for power, in this his whole life will collapse.And one more thing is clearly written in the Puranas that any person or country that goes against foreign countries and tries to break the unity of religious culture of India will be destroyed with its roots in the coming time.Friends, so as much as we can, we should help the needy poor and helpful elders etc. Because our elders also say that if some big incident is going to happen, then the lamp comes in the way.And I am a big incident when it goes small, may God protect you from calamities, Jai Shri Krishna.Number 5 and friends It is written in the Puranas that as soon as the Ghor Kali Yuga will come, so will the national Which is the region of Gujarat. which is mostly desert. At the time of Mahabharata, Dwarkapuri was located in this area.Another name of this capital was Avanti.Similarly, the impatient Sun and Mercury and the brahmins of the country of Malak. Considering themselves to be very knowledgeable, some people will dare to ask for religious scriptures and God's proof.With the coming of the dreadful Kali-yuga, the behavior of man will become very low, and at the same time, the progress of those who are yogis will also become very low.And in the whole world there will be mutual conflict and all the people will become the doers of evil deeds, there will be a lot of suffering in all the countries.Leaving one religion, people will start adopting another religion, the deities will also stop showing their influence, their blessings will also be removed from humans.And the earth of the ungodly who harms others, the wrathful, the violent and the unreasonable will rule. Varnashrama system will be completely eradicated from the earth in Kali Yuga.

No one is born in any clan, the one who is strong will be the master of all and all the elders will survive by selling their daughters. In Kalyug, a person will start to become very proud with a little money and the amount that a person deducts will be spent on building a complete house and buying a car and other consumption. He will not be able to do charity work with his money, the whole mind of a person will be only towards earning money, all people will eat without taking bath.No one will go to Deepu, do hospitality, Shraddha and the action of mirror. The celibate people will study the Vedas without observing the fast stated in the Vedas and the one who is a afflicted person and he is neither will perform Havan and will not give proper reward to Satya Pata. The light of the stars in the sky will completely fade. The ten directions will also become opposite, the son will send his father and the daughter-in-law will start sending her mother-in-law to work.No one will believe in the scriptures, Puranas and texts, at the end of Kali Yuga, theft will also increase a lot, in the end friends, I would like to say this much, if you want to avoid the wrath of this terrible Kali Yuga, then return to the Vedas come on it's time. Even if you want to come again, you will not be able to come. And by constantly worshiping Shri Hari, protect yourself from the wrath of all these buds.One who will be detached from the devotion of God, remember that I can get instant death at any time. And will always remain unhappy and will always fall into some kind of troubles.So friends that's all in today's blog You meet with a similar topic.

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