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It Will Happen Like This, Why Kalyug Is The Best In The Dark Age

 It Will Happen Like This, Why Kalyug Is The Best In The Dark Age.

Whenever we hear any untoward incident, we leave the blame for it on the forehead of Kaliyuga, as if we came to know about some incident and we have said that it is a terrible Kaliyuga.Nothing is impossible in Kaliyuga, no relationship matters here, friends, where Kaliyuga has been described as the most cursed yoga of mankind, while in Vishnu Purana, Maharishi Vyas ji has described Kalyug as the best.Why has he said this, let us know through this blog, friends, as we all know, the period of time in Hinduism is divided into four yugas i.e. Satyuga, Treta Yuga, Dwapar Yuga, Kali Yuga.Satyuga in which King Harishchandra became king and he renounced everything and lived a difficult life by following the promise given in his dream, this yoga was the age of truth.Dharma is established in the human being as a whole because of its four positions.There is no deceit or deceit in it, it is called Satyug.In Treta Yuga, but in Treta, Dharma gets overwhelmed by adharma a foot and remains in its 3 positions and in that religion gets mixed in a foot.If understood in easy language, then 25% of unrighteousness will come in human life, in the remaining 75%, the life of this age will move forward with the help of religion.Lord Parashuram and Lord Shri Ram took birth in this period and after killing the wicked like Ravana, established religion again.In Dwapar Yuga, only half religion will remain in Dwapar, half unrighteousness comes and if it is understood in easy language, then only half unrighteousness and half religion will remain in human life.And with the help of this, the life of this yoga will move forward, in this period Lord Shri Krishna ji took birth by destroying unrighteousness and established religion again.Now let's talk about Kaliyug, but Kaliyuga is established by destroying the whole people with its three anshu.
And religion is established in man only by a foot. In every age, the age of man decreases due to the strength of intelligence and fast attack, if understood in easy language.then 75% of unrighteousness will come in human life. The life of this yoga will progress only with the help of the remaining 25% religion, if seen from this angle, then Kaliyuga can be called the most.

cursed yoga of mankind.But Maharishi Vyas ji has told in Vishnu Purana that Kali Yuga is the best among all youth and the reason for this is that in this Yuga, Precept human being very easily attains the Supreme Soul.So friends, let us know why according to Vyas ji, Kaliyuga is the best of all ages.According to the legend described in Vishnu Purana, Maharishi Vyas was taking a bath in the Ganga river.Then some Shri Gana reached there, they saw Vyas ji meditating by taking a dip in the river.Maharishi Vyas was taking bath and there all Maharishi Vyas's bath and waiting for the praise to end. After some time the sage stood up from meditation and said to the receiver that in the Kaliyuga, Shudras are superior among humans and women among humans.Having said this, he again dived into the water and after some time got up and said that you are the best Shudra, you are the only blessed one Went. And then stood up and said that only women are saints, they are blessed in this world and no one is more blessed than them and the sages sitting on the banks of the Ganges were very surprised.They all started talking amongst themselves, till now we had heard that Kaliyuga is the most cursed yoga in the era and Brahmins are the best among the caste but men are considered to be the best among human beings.Then why did Vyas ji say this, one of the sages said that why are we wasting time in pointless conversation. Then why did Vyas ji say so, one of them said that why are we wasting time in useless negotiation benefits, if these words have come out of Vyas's mouth, then surely there will be a secret in it, why can't we answer this question. know only from Vyas ji.Then after some time when Vyas ji came to karam singh circle yes do regularly after taking bath, Manoj reached him and everyone saluted him.Then Satyavati Nandan Vyas ji asked him how did you come here, then the sages told him, we had come to ask you a message, but at this time let it go.Tell us one more thing, Lord, while taking a bath, you had said many times that Kaliyuga is the best, only monks are best, women are saints and blessed.What is the secret of what it is, you remove our ignorance blind.we want to hear this whole topic. 

When asked like this, Vyas ji laughed and said, O sage, best of all, I did not frequent the sadhus.Listen to the reason for that then Vyas ji said. The fruit which is attained by doing 10 years of Satyog, austerity, celibacy and chanting etc., can be obtained by a person in 1 year in Treta Yuga, in 1 month in Dwapar and in 1 day in Kali Yuga.That is why Kaliyuga is called the best.That fruit is obtained by performing Yajna in Dhyana Treta in Satyuga and Intense in Dwapar.In Kaliyuga, by chanting the name and chanting of Shri Krishna, one gets the great religion in Kaliyuga, with only a few tests.Therefore he should be very satisfied with Kaliyuga and consider this to be the best of all ages.Now I tell why Shudras are superior, brahmins first have to meditate on finances while observing the fast of celibacy.And then in the morning one has to perform sacrifices in a lawful manner with the money earned by religious conduct Conversations are the causes of wasted food and useless sacrifices. That's why they must always be patient. Feels innocent to sleep in all things. Even food like water cannot run away from its desire. Because there is dependence in their entire work.In the same way, he attains virtuous people through great distress.But only the mantra-less sacred yagya has the right. Always a Shudra attains siddhi by serving both.That's why he is a patron of other castes.Heman Sudra has language skills.There are no rules for Pay Appe. That's why I called him a monk. And now women are called the best because. I'll tell you this too. men only from the money they received for their Dharmakul The sarvana should be performed according to merit and charity.As you all know that there is great Kalesh in the acquisition and reservation of this money. And the suffering that a person has to suffer even by using it in an unreasonable work. Apart from this, Maharishi Vyas ji told that those men who have washed off all their defects with water in the form of virtue.With their little effort, religion will be proved in their Kali Yuga.That in Kaliyuga man should always chant Shri Krishna in the form of Rama to make his life successful and happy and proceed to Baikuntha through the path of death. That's all in today's blog if you like the blog, then comment.

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