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This man came by time travel and told such things which no one can imagine

 This man Came By Time Travel and Told Such Things Which NO One Can Imagine  

Time travel doing has been troubling not only scientists but also common people for a very long time.  An idea from which people can go either in history or in the future.  It sounds so fun to hear, but today's technology only says that if we do such things only in movies, it will be better.  But the question also arises whether time travel is really possible, but still many people came forward in this world who claimed that they did time travel.  But whenever I narrate to you people, there are two types of people.When I narrate such stories to you people, two types of people come out and come out.  Their job is now to write fake videos in the comments and the one who considers them to be true and does more research on them.  Tell me in the comments which one you are.  sergei ponomarenko talk is of 2006.  A young boy named Sergei Ponomarenko was seen walking through the squares of the Ukrainian capital.  It seemed that the boy would be 25 years old.But the gestures of his body and the clothes of the boy were not at all relevant to that era.  Whereas it seemed as if he had put clothes around 100 years old and wearing these clothes the man was walking like crazy in the city kiev.  That man so strange people started to notice.There was also a camera hold in his hand strange to the fellow man, and on seeing that camera, you would also understand that such a camera used to be there in history.  But the amazing thing was that the camera was still working in his hands.  But as that man moved on to the intersections of the kiev and was getting very confused seeing the people.  He had lost his way and then the policemen standing at the crossroads took notice of him.When he saw the man for the first time, it was as if the man was doing drama and so on.  Before the police went to the man.  The man himself went to the police and asked him the address written on a slip.  The police were also surprised because whose address he was asking. 

From which city that place had disappeared decades ago and immediately they asked the man to show his ID, after which the man took out his purse and showed his ID to the policemen and on seeing that ID, the eyes of the policemen burst.  That was torn. This man  ID had expired long ago.  According to the ID, this man's name was Sergei Ponomarenko and was born in 1932.  if this id was correct obviously the man was age 2006.  The cops thought of helping him and immediately brought him to a mental hospital that seemed to have come from a foreign country and doing here pretending like this.Tests were done on Sargi by many doctors.  But then what happened was quite surprising.  The doctor also felt that this man would soon reveal his true identity and say that he was pranking, but he was adamant on the same thing that he was born in the year 1932.He doesn't even know how he came to these busy squares of kiev city.  The doctor who took her test also had an interest in photography and immediately recognized that camera holding the girl's hand and that camera was made by Yashika Flex Company and this camera is also considered to be the oldest portable camera in Japan and  Trust me, this camera is a very rare and collectible item and no human would walk like crazy on the streets of a city with such an expensive camera today.  The doctors were constantly questioning him.He told that he was born on 16th June 1932 in kiev and he is only 25 years old and he picked up the camera from his house this morning and his plan was to click some nice photos of his city today  .  But as soon as he came out of his house, he noticed that a strange thing was moving in the sky and after looking carefully he found that the thing was like a bull.  For a while that thing kept spinning in the air but then a sharp light of the blow came and sergi front scene completely changed.He also kept the old direction of our house in front of the doctor and the police.  He told that where he lives there are no such shops and this type of building or this type of car or bike and he is very confused seeing these.  The doctors were completely shocked to hear this man's claim.  He felt that this man was mentally insane and to prove this, he took Sargi's camera and developed the photos of the film present inside him. And as soon as those photos came out, everyone present there got completely upset, because the photos which were with Sargi were actually taken only in the year 1958.  In many of those photos, Sargi himself was also present.  His family members were also present.  He was wearing the same clothes.

The clothes he was wearing today as well in kiev, his camera had many photos of old kiev city and these photos were never first seen on the internet or in real life.This mystery does not end here.  As the doctors were checking these photos, they saw something strange in the background of a photo and it looked like that thing is flying in the air and the surprising thing is that this thing is nothing but a bull.  There was something about which Sargi had already told them.  The same evening Sargi was locked inside a room and doctors were deciding what to do with Sargi for the meeting.  Let me tell you in advance that that room was completely closed.  While the windows were fitted with thick iron rods so that no patient of this hospital could go out of the hospital and thus it was not possible to get out of any room in real life, but by midnight, Sargi left that room.had disappeared.  He did not leave any clue behind him other than those photos.  That guy again that I've never seen is gone. He did not leave any clue behind him other than those photos.  kiev i never seen that man again.  When this case was investigated at a high level, many such layers came out in the open.  Yes yes it is 1960.  When a man named sergi ponomarenko was reported missing in one kiev was written in, but that sergi ponomarenko never found the police. Alfred Bielek In 1984, the film named Philadelphia Experiment was released in America, then the audience got to see a lot in this action film.  Especially the many memorable moments of World War 2 and this was the time when the US government was working on a very top secret project.  According to that top secret project, American scientists were about to use supernatural power in the world war and the navy has created new technology to make this possible.In which their ships will be seen on the enemy's radar, but they will not be there in real life because their ships will disappear from there in the blink of an eye.  After which those ships will also appear back at their desired place in a short time.  All the people of America were very surprised to hear this because it seemed more like a show of magician rather than a war project and the surprising thing was that this project was also carried out by America and the people who disappeared at that time.  were present on the ship.He did such an experience, after which there was nothing left for him to experience.  Some group members were seriously missing in that magic game, some people were already cropped inside this ship.  This man named Enfield Black had seen that movie called Philadelphia Experiment in the 1980s.  Experiment or I am.  He was very impressed with this movie.  and whatever topics were covered in this movie he has started doing research on it.  after some time alfred of too many old memories started rolling in Yes, all that was going on in his mind which he didn't even think before.  Seeing all this happening, Alfred became very upset.  He felt as if his mind is getting lost. He thought of seeking help from the doctor in which he told the doctor that flashbacks of his old life are always going on in his mind, whereas he has no such life yes.  After forgetting all this for some time, Alfred realized that he had discovered the truth and that he had found it.  His name was first Edward Cameron used to be.

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