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These Creatures Shine Like Stars In The Night

 These Creatures Shine Like Stars In The Night.

Friends, there are many such beautiful and strange things in the whole world, after seeing that you must have remembered the planet Pandora of Avatar movie.Friends, if you are not able to understand what is the planet Pandora, then you must watch Avatar movie once.After watching this movie, you will forget our earth but friends believe that there is no dearth of beauty on our earth too.And this is the reason that beauty is found somewhere in every corner of the earth.Whether it is a forest or a mountain or a beautifully flowing river, and friends, beauty is not only in the day but also in animals. And these animals are such that they add to the beauty of nature.Not only this, friends, some creatures are so unique that they will make you crazy in a moment.Can't believe you don't mind stay on the topic of this blog till the end. Like the animals shown in this blog or not in today's block
Friends are going to introduce some such creatures, after seeing which you will surely be blown away.Because there is some quality in them which is not in any other place.Not only this, we can also say with the claim that till date you have not seen such stay on this topic of block.
Let's meet these beautiful animals without delay. Number 4 Glow Worm Friends, it is a matter of a hundred things that the world seems to be as beautiful as it looks and especially during the day Many more beautiful than him are seen in the night.Many more beautiful than him are seen in the night. and makes the night more beautiful with its light. One such very cute creature is glow worm. For your information, let us tell you that glow-worms are found in the form of lava.You can find it very comfortably under rocks, caves and limestone grassley.This animal eats small insects, tell that this glow worm is such an organism that produces colorful light from its body, which you will get to see very easily at night.You will find this worm in such a large number in the cave that even at night the cave will be seen shining with light, at night this cave looks as if it is a planetarium.And these animals as if they have prepared the whole universe. Friends, glow-worms are hanging inside the caves with the help of their silk-like fibers.This worm slowly releases sticky fluid in the form of gum.

This worm prepares to understand not one but thousands of threads.After some time, the thread gets ready to guess in the sparkling chandelier.Which shines like a mirror in the day and even more beauty becomes worth seeing in the night, if you see them in the cave, believe me it will look like a star.It would seem as if the stars themselves have come down in the cave, imagine what would happen to the animals if we humans become instructors.Friends, these when an animal is attracted by these gleaming scars, that means, if it gets attracted and moves forward, then it sticks to it, after that, even after making lakhs of efforts, it is not able to get out of Him.And these glow-worms start eating them alive do you know how light comes out from the body of light glowworm. So just think, think think.Want to know how let's tell you. The most important reason for the light spread by glow-worm is.Bioluminescent For your information, let us tell you that they release a special kind of chemical.called luciferin. It is a molecule that combines with oxygen to form oxy-luciferin.after which it releases oxygen at night. Usually you will see these worms glowing in greenish yellow blue orange color. Friends, how did you like this glow-worm.

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