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Is Heaven And Hell Really Friends

 Is Heaven And Hell Really Friends

Is there really heaven and hell.Dear audience have you thought about what you will get after death. Heaven or hell is mentioned in Bhagavad Gita. That the fruit you get depends on your good and bad deeds.Do humans really have to experience happiness or sorrow in heaven and hell after death. Or heaven and hell are just the imagination of mankind. In today's topic, we will know whether there really is heaven and hell.what is heaven and hell. Heaven and hell are mentioned in all the religions of the world.Heaven means the place where virtuous souls live and hell is the place where evil spirits live.Where does it go that after death, sinners are sent to torture in hell and virtuous souls are sent to enjoy happiness in heaven is sent.In Hinduism, Yamraj is considered to be the god of death.Yamraj himself calculates his sins and virtues by going there.On this basis, Yamraj provides the place of heaven or hell to that soul.Similarly, in every religion there is a belief that God created it.
where a person gets the fruits of his deeds. Religious Explanation of Heaven and Hell in Quran Islam Heaven is called Paradise.and hell is called hell. It is said in the Qur'an that when the virtues performed by a man outweigh his sins, then he is destined for the happiness of paradise.And if the weight of the sins is more, then he gets the punishment of Hell.Hell in Islam is described as a mixture of fire and punishment. Souls are thrown into the fire as soon as they come here.and later they are hit with an iron rod. In the same way, according to Christianity, heaven is the place.where god and angels.Whereas the Devil in Hell is not found in the Book of Life, according to the Bible, the religious text of Christians whose souls die.They are pushed into the lake of fire, that is, hell In.On the contrary, Zoroastrianism believes that after death all souls go to heaven.But how long it takes them to reach there depends on the sins they have done here.

Heaven is hell and in Hinduism it is told that hell is not where you are given pain.Rather, according to Hindu beliefs, a person's life is his hell.In Hinduism, samsara is a word that refers to the life and death cycle of a human being.If a man earns merit, then he will attain heaven, that is, he will attain salvation.But if he commits sinful deeds he will get the world.Who will never let him come out of the trap of living and dying.So viewers, we hope that you have liked this blog, before leaving, do not forget to like and comment on our blog.

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